Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Monday, 7 December 2009

Radio show DONE!

Harry and I came in today, (Monday 7th), to tweak some of the audio and add the tracks to the final piece, good times!

We decided on three tracks, all from Josh aka 'Grafix;'
-One conditon
-Panorama and

We were going to use one of the tracks but none of them were long enough for the whole programme, so decided to switch it up and blend a couple of different tracks together. We arrived at the Gatehouse at about midday and USB'D it finally at about 5pm. We had some slight difficulty with the automation, but got it done.

Our previous 'final piece' was about 7 minutes long, so had to cut it down.. we managed to get it down to about 5min 30.. and struggled but shaved off 30 seconds, luckily, to stay within the brief.

I'm really pleased with our final programme and think it fulfilled the idea we wanted to show in the beginning. I believe it's a good, natural insight of this years student's freshers week and what the new students have to look forward to.


December 1st- Mon 7th:

Action Points:

The deadline seems to be looming so we really need to get editing and structure the programme to the max!
Harry and I came in on Wednesday 2nd, (1-6pm), and began editing the Vox pops. Harry also presented some music, which we played back and listened to, to try and pick some good tunes to mesh with our show well. As copyright is a serious offence, Harry charmed his housemate Josh Jackson in letting us use some of his own work; know as 'Grafix.'

The night before I wrote a script out for our narration in the piece. I tried to include an introduction in general, (for new students and the show in all), introductions to each question/ interviewer and a conclusion. I thought Annie should record her voice for the presenter as I thought she had a nice, clear voice.

All four of us agreed to meet today, (Thursday 3rd December). I re-wrote the script a little bit and gave it to Annie to record- Ross helped with the recording. As they recorded Harry and I went over to the SU to interview the Vice President Dan Jones for his answer.
When we returned we wanted to get it onto logic and fit it in with the already edited voices as soon as possible. Annie and Ross had finished also so was good timing to put all the audio together.

I also squeezed in an interview with Mike, as we thought having a teacher's perspective would be effective in our programme. Freshers will mainly be wanting to find out about the night life and he social side to the week, but we thought it would be good to get an idea of what 'your' course would have to offer in the first week.

We asked Ross and Annie if they wanted a go at editing, because we didn't want to feel we were doing everything- But Annie seemed reluctant to do so as she had missed the Logic Demo. We appreciated that they both live in Bristol also so was a bit of a pain to get down here, so they went home, and we carried on.

Bit of panic!

I can't believe how quick the time goes! I missed a Tuesdays session and so decided to hire out an edirol and get cracking with the Vox Pops to catch up.

In all, I recorded about 10/11 students all four questions ready to be edited, and the next time we met as a group Harry went home and recorded some more interviews so we definitely had enough material to work with.

I also received an email back from the SU.. and found out We'll be interviewing the Vice President of the Student's Union- Head of Activities and Participation. He seemed very happy with working with us and even asked if they could have a copy- to possibly use it for the SU website for next years students- result!

Radio Show Progress!

We've decided on some questions we want to ask for the Vox Pops;
1) What was your favourite night and why?
2)Was there anything that wasn't at fresher's that you would like to see?
3)What was the silliest thing you did during fresher's week?
4)What advice would you give to future fresher's?

Interviewing students will be good for our project as they match the target audience, so we want it to sound relatable and interesting for them. I thought it would create a different dynamic to the piece if we tried to get in touch with the SU president to perhaps hear what he has to say about the week; I'd ask him;

5) How do you think fresher's week went and what are you going to do differently next year?

My action point was therefore to email the President to ask him if we could bother him for 5 minutes while we record his response.

FRESHERS radio cont...

Tuesday 10th November:

We're getting more of an idea of what message we want to give for this show.. In order to think about structure we recorded everything our fresher's week had to offer for us as a starting point..

Freshers Week '09:
Welcome Parties, (day BBQ on sun)
mon: Karaoke
tues: Matthew Thorne DJ Guest
wed: Flirt (weekly night held by SU.. this week- Beach Party)
thurs: Comedy Night
fri: Fresher's ball
sat: Pirate Night
sun: Curry night/ Quiz

We all agreed to start recording some Vox Pops for our programme, so we can get editing early.
We're also aiming to get some natural sounds of the SU, either night or day time, to co-incide with the music and to let the listeners hear what's in store for them next year.

Radio Show Proposal

I'm working in a group with Harry, Annie and Ross.

Our aim was to produce a 4-5 minute radio programme with a topic of our choice. We decided we liked the idea of doing something useful and informative for freshers in general.

As we researched and brain stormed further into the idea, we agreed to focus purely on next years freshers. We wanted to create something that next years students could listen to and get a feel of Bath Spa University.

We want to include vox pops, interviews and presenter narration- and a good choice of music. Our target audience, being students, means we'd have to make our radio show imformative, chatty and laid back; to attract their attention and engage them to listen through to the end.

I'm excited to get started and see how our ideas progress.