“Dating abuse or dating violenc

The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) reports that 1 in 11 adolescents say they have been the victim of physical dating violence
-1 in 3 female teenagers in a dating relationship has feared for her physical safety;
-1 in 5 teenagers in a serious relationship reports having been hit, slapped, or pushed by a partner;
-27 percent of teenagers have been in dating relationships in which their partners called them names o
-1 in 3 female teenagers in a dating relationship has feared for her physical safety;
-1 in 5 teenagers in a serious relationship reports having been hit, slapped, or pushed by a partner;
-27 percent of teenagers have been in dating relationships in which their partners called them names o
r put them down
-29 percent of girls who have been in a relationship said that they have been pressured to have sex or to engage in sexual activities that they did not want;
-technologies such as phones and the Internet have made dating abuse both more pervasive and more hidden;
-30 percent of teenagers who have been in a dating relationship say that they have been text-messaged between 10 and 30 times per hour by a partner seeking to find out where they are, what they are doing, or who they are with;
-72 percent of teenagers who reported they'd been checked up on by a boyfriend or girlfriend 10 times per hour by email or text messaging did not tell their parents;
Did you know over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners, and that one in four women in the UK will experience domestic violence in their lifetime?
In 30% to 60% of families that experience domestic violence, children also are abused:

-29 percent of girls who have been in a relationship said that they have been pressured to have sex or to engage in sexual activities that they did not want;
-technologies such as phones and the Internet have made dating abuse both more pervasive and more hidden;
-30 percent of teenagers who have been in a dating relationship say that they have been text-messaged between 10 and 30 times per hour by a partner seeking to find out where they are, what they are doing, or who they are with;
-72 percent of teenagers who reported they'd been checked up on by a boyfriend or girlfriend 10 times per hour by email or text messaging did not tell their parents;
Did you know over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners, and that one in four women in the UK will experience domestic violence in their lifetime?
In 30% to 60% of families that experience domestic violence, children also are abused:
Before the violence starts, a teen may experience:
-Controlling Behaviour and demands
-Telling you what to wear or who to hang out with,
-Insults/ digs at the other person to lower your self esteem
Then the violence will begin. It may start small and you think nothing of it, but will only get worse.
children who witness domestic violence -- even if they are not targets of the violence -- tend to exhibit the same emotional, behavioral, and academic problems as abused children. Children raised in violent family environments also are at risk of becoming abusers or victims themselves during adolescence or adulthood.
-violent relationships in adolescence can have serious ramifications for victims, putting them at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior, suicide, and adult re victimisation.
Quote which
links well with Omni's Short Film; "Leaving"
Dr. Gary Cuccia painfully knows the repercussions of teen dating violence when he lost his daughter Demi in August of 2007 after she was stabbed to death 16 times at her Monroeville home by her former boyfriend.
“Meanwhile, victims of relationship abuse share many traits as well, including: physical signs of injury, missing time at work or school, slipping performance at work or school, changes in mood or personality
, increased use of drugs or alcohol, and increasing isolation from friends and family.[4] Victims may blame themselves for any abuse that occurs or may minimize the severity of the crime. This often leads to victims choosing to stay in abusive relationships.”
Dr. Gary Cuccia painfully knows the repercussions of teen dating violence when he lost his daughter Demi in August of 2007 after she was stabbed to death 16 times at her Monroeville home by her former boyfriend.
Another example would be Danielle Llyod, a model who spent years in an abusive relationship:
When she was just starting out in her modelling career, she was brutally attacked by her then boyfriend. Follo
wing an argument he dragged her from her moving car, pulling out most of her hair. She was left severely bruised and cut from the attack.
Danielle worked with Comic Relief to address these issues, she visited and interviewed organisations for it, and listened to the stories of teenagers who have violent boyfriends.

Her Experience:
She said she dated the man for nearly 2 years, and considered him to be a "lovely, generous boyfriend,"when they first met.
However, his controlling side soon became clear.

"He would call me a slag, soon he started hitting me."
"Every time he cried and say it wouldn't happen again. Towards the end he was hitting me nearly every day."
After the final attack, Danielle past out for a few minutes and woke up with blood all over her and the walls- she spent a week in hospital.
Her thoughts:
"Deep down you can't forget what's happened no matter how much counselling you have. You blame yourself and tell yourself you deserve it."
"I was given help when I most needed it and I want to be able to help others now. Too many women suffer domestic violence at some point and support centres aren't able to answer of the calls due to being under-resourced."
"I'll always do all that I can to raise awareness and help people. Being in a violent relation-

Rhianna; another victim.
relationships during the teen years can lead to life-long unhealthy relationship practices, may disrupt normal development, and can contribute to other unhealthy behaviors in teens that, if left unchecked, can lead to problems over a lifetime.
ts who report being physically hurt in a dating relationship were also more likely to report that they engage in risky sexual behaviour, binge drink, use drugs, attempt suicide, and participate in physical fights.
Prevention initiatives include early education about healthy dating practices- raises awareness about teen dating violence and promotes healthy relationship practices by challenging harmful beliefs about dating violence.
the first week of February "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week"- In America
An advertising campaign is being launched to raise awareness of domestic violence in teenage relationships.
Prevention initiatives include early education about healthy dating practices- raises awareness about teen dating violence and promotes healthy relationship practices by challenging harmful beliefs about dating violence.
the first week of February "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week"- In America
An advertising campaign is being launched to raise awareness of domestic violence in teenage relationships.
“It's a message I fundamentally believe in, and it's what most of my films have been about - finding another way of leading your life”
Shane Meadows
Film director
An interview with a girl who's been in a domestic relationship and wise words from the Shane Meadows himself:
Education in schools are introducing new ways to teach children about social subjects:
PSHE education is a planned, developmental programme of learning designed to help learners develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
It deals with real life issues which affect children and young people, their families and their communities, and engages with the social and economic realities of their lives, experiences and attitudes.
it makes a major contribution to the health and achievement of children and young people
it contributes to the welfare and safety of children and young people
it underpins young people’s future employability through the development of the personal and social skills which commerce and industry demand from our workforce
it helps to increase children and young people’s independence and ultimately enables them to take responsibility for
it prepares them for their future role as parents, employees and leaders.
Why is it so important? The link below shows a leaflet from the PSHE Association:
Individual description of sex and relationship education in schools:
But what is the relationship between PSHE Education and Personal Development?
More Victims/ Experiences/ Points of View:
Individual description of sex and relationship education in schools:
But what is the relationship between PSHE Education and Personal Development?
PSHE education makes a massive contribution to young people's own personal development;
All aspects of a child and young person's experience at home, in school and out of school contribute to personal and social development.
It helps children and young people build their personal identities, confidence and self-esteem, make career choices and understand what influences their decisions including financial ones.
They are able to shape their identities, understand and acknowledge difference and change- manage emotions and communication in a variety of settings. They are able to develop an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others and maintain good relationships.
More Victims/ Experiences/ Points of View:
Unhealthy Relationships can start early and last a lifetime
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